Romanian Blogging started speaking English

One of my recent online friends told me something interesting about a multi-language website whose content I have proudly created both in English and Romanian - "it looks like translated from Romanian!".
Perish the thought she wanted to offend me but she simply wanted to get me understand the text I have created (and which was intended to persuade the American public) was not thought in English but thought in Romanian and then created or translated in my mind in English.
To make a long story short, she (yes, "the recent friend" is a "she") told me the text felt like not being made by an English native speaker, even if I didn't originally wrote the Romanian version but the English one which was afterwards translated.
They say you really speak a language when you get to think in that respective language and it's not the case here, as you can see (unfortunately). Yes, I admit I didn't pay attention to the English content of that particular webpage as much as I should've done it, but her remark was like a cold shower to me - she simply woke me up!
Better English means better content for the native English speakers and if they would notice than Google bots will notice my poor English, too - the result? Poor indexing and poor SERPs, as simple as that!
Therefore, I've decided to also try and post in English on Romanian Blogging; it helps me practice the language and become a better content writer for English native speakers and, why not, it will give me a much more clear idea of how SEO tactics function for Google native language.
I'll keep you up to date with this...I promise!

Till next time...!!!


  1. Mi se pare de bun simț comentariul prietenei tale virtuale. :))

  2. Am inteles...pai n-auzi ca mi-a trantit-o de la obraz? :-)) ok, ok... O sa ma perfectionez...o sa ziceti in curand ca am plagiat pe Shakespeare, asa o sa devina articolele mele... :))

  3. Nice try 😅!Maybe I'll copy your intention in the next future :p. Good luck!


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